How can we design effective interventions for learning?
Design-Based Research Publications
Schaldenbrand, P., Lobczowski, N. G., Richey, J. E., Gupta, S., McLaughlin, E., Adeniran, A. & Koedinger, K. (2021). Computer-supported human mentoring for personalized and equitable math learning. Accepted as a short paper for the 2021 Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIEd). [link]
Lyons, K., Lobczowski, N. G., Greene, J. A., McLaughlin, J. E. (in press). Using a design-based research approach to develop and study a web-based tool to support collaborative learning. Computers & Education. [link]
Wolcott, M. D., Lobczowski, N. G., Lyons, K., McLaughlin, J. E. (2019). Design-based research: Connecting theory and practice in pharmacy educational intervention research. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 11(3), 309-318. doi: 10.1016/j.cptl.2018.12.002. [link]
Lobczowski, N. G., Asher, M. W., Richey, J. E., Huang, Y., Hecht, C., Bhardwaj, S., Aleven, V., Koedinger, K., & Harackiewicz., J. (under review). Math Can be Useful: Designing a Motivation Intervention for Students Learning Algebra Online. Manuscript under review.
How are emotions formed and regulated in collaborative learning?
Emotions and Emotion Regulation Publications
Lobczowski, N. G., Lyons, K., Greene, J. A., & McLaughlin, J. E (in press). Connecting talk types to socioemotional formation and regulation. Accepted as a poster for the 2021 International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) Annual Meeting. [link]
Lobczowski, N. G., Lyons, K., Greene, J. A., & McLaughlin, J. E (in press). Socioemotional regulation strategies in a project-based learning environment. Contemporary Educational Psychology. [link]
Lobczowski, N. G. (2020). Bridging the gaps and moving forward: Building a new model for socioemotional formation and regulation. Educational Psychologist, 55(2), 53-68. doi: 10.1080/00461520.2019.1670064. [link]
Lobczowski, N. G., Lyons, K., Greene, J. A., & McLaughlin, J. E. (in prep). Investigating the Formation of Emotions in Collaborative Learning. Manuscript in preparation.
How do groups of students plan, monitor, control, and evaluate their cognition, motivation, emotions, and behavior while learning?
Social Regulation of Learning Publications
Lobczowski, N. G., Allen, E. M., Firetto, C. M., Greene, J. A., & Murphy, P. K. (in press). Social regulation of learning during scientific argumentation discourse: A multiple case study across two groups. Contemporary Educational Psychology. [link]
Lobczowski, N. G., Lyons, K., McLaughlin, J. E., & Greene, J. A. (in press). Socially shared metacognition in a project-based learning environment: A comparison study. Learning, Culture, and Social Interaction. [link]
Dragnic-Cindric D., Lobczowski N. G., Greene, J. A., & Murphy, P. K. (2018). Exploring teacher presence during social regulation of learning in science classrooms. In J. Key & R. Luckin (Eds.), Rethinking Learning in the Digital Age: Making the Learning Sciences Count, 13th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2018, Volume 2 (pp. 1631-1632). London, UK: International Society of the Learning Sciences. [link]
How do students effectively learn together in small groups?
Collaborative Learning Publications
Lobczowski, N. G., Morton, E., Richey, J. E., Jarbo, K., & Koedinger, K. (in press). Interactions with peers on the path to math success. Accepted as a short paper for the 2021 International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) Annual Meeting.
Murphy, P. K., Greene, J. A., Firetto, C. M., Li, M., Lobczowski, N. G., Croninger, R., & Duke, R. F. (2017). Examining the effect of homogeneous and heterogeneous grouping in classroom discourse. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 51, 336-355. [link]
Isohätälä, J., Lobczowski, N. G., Näykki, P., Järvelä, S., Greene, J. A., & Baker, M. J. (in prep). Domain and metacognitive reasoning in a collaborative group’s social interaction – A micro-level case analysis. Manuscript in preparation.
How do students plan, monitor, control, and evaluate their cognition, motivation, emotions, and behaviors while learning?
Self-Regulated Learning Publications
Greene, J. A., Lobczowski, N. G., Freed, R., Cartiff, B., Demetriou, C., & Panter, A. T. (2019). Effects of a science of learning course on college students’ online learning. American Educational Research Journal, 57(3), 947-978. doi: 10.3102/0002831219865221. [link]
Deekens, V. M., Greene, J. A., & Lobczowski, N. G. (2018). Monitoring and depth of strategy use in computer-based learning environments for science and history. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 88(1), 63-79. doi: 10.1111/bjep.12174. [link]
Greene, J. A., Anderson, J. L., O’Malley, C. E., & Lobczowski, N. G. (2018). Fostering self-regulated science inquiry in physical sciences. In M. deBenedetto (Ed.), Connecting Self-Regulated Learning and Performance with Instruction Across High School Content Areas (pp. 163–184). Cham: Springer. [link]